Sunday, July 22, 2012

Hola, Peru!

 After two weeks of packing up my place in Chicago, unpacking in Sewickley, and then repacking for my move to Peru, I was ready just in time for my 6 am flight today! I’ve felt amazingly calm about this move, though a bit more moody lately as the day came closer. I’ve thought about an international move for quite some time though, and have had since December to wrap my brain around the reality of my decision, so I suppose time has helped. One of the strangest feelings I’ve had lately was heading to the airport without a set of keys- no school keys, no apartment keys, no car keys... Perhaps it was the sense of finality of all of this, leaving without keys… that, and the 3 bags that I was actually able to pack, all weighing just under the allowable 50 lb. limit (thanks, dad!).  Somehow, I managed to do it without having to wear too many layers or that extra pair of heels that I really wanted to take with me, despite the other few pairs already packed. (Really, I don’t know how/why women wear heels when flying!)

I flew from Pittsburgh to Houston, to Panama City, and then to Lima today, and shockingly without too much trouble. I had to hustle in the Houston Airport, with a 45 minute time frame to de-board a plane, change terminals, and board another plane- this whole “least expensive flight” plan doesn’t always make the best sense. I arrived in Lima at 7:00 pm, got through Immigrations with a bit of confusion about my residency (I’m here on a resident visa) and a bit of an extra check from customs, but made it through all the lines in less than 30 minutes. Not bad! I met another new staff member in the airport who is originally from Chicago, as well as a staff member from the Housing Department of the school; we loaded our bags into a school minivan and headed on the 30-minute drive to our respective apartments. Surprisingly, some of the streets looked familiar from my trip to Lima two years ago, as did a park in San Isidro that was across the street from the apartment we stayed in for two or three nights.

There were two staff members in my apartment to greet me and to show me around a bit. The earlier pictures probably don’t do my apartment justice. There are actually three bedrooms and two and a half bathrooms, and a maid’s bedroom plus bathroom as well. Plenty of room for any  of you who would like to visit! Everything is bigger than what I thought the pictures portrayed, though some of the fixtures are a bit dated or are a bit more “Peruvian” than my tastes. However, the school did such a great job of providing some start-up items- drinking water, food in the refrigerator, coffee, towels, new dishes and silverware, and fresh flowers and candles. My Internet service and phone were already set up too! I have been so impressed with how smoothly the apartment/housing pieces have gone. I hope the rest of my life here goes as smoothly!

Living Room
Living Room/Dining Room

Powder Room
Master Bedroom

Master Bathroom 

2nd Bedroom

3rd Bedroom
Guest Bathroom

Laundry Room

Maid's Bedroom and Bathroom

I made my first telephone call home (thanks for the Magic Jack idea, KC!), took a few pictures of the place with my new camera, and am now sitting on the terrace with a cup of coffee, some soda crackers (those of you who have been reading my previous blogs will appreciate my ability to turn to crackers for an evening meal), and my computer. I’m looking out over the Parque del Amor, and while I can’t see the ocean in the darkness, I can hear it. It’s a beautiful “winter” night (probably about 65 degrees) and people are walking around outside enjoying the evening. I have a taxi coming to pick me up at 7:30 am, so it’s time to settle in for the evening in my new home... and to put my new apartment keys on my empty keychain!

View From the Balcony- Parque del Amor

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