Thursday, September 13, 2012

Rubbing Elbows with the Rich and Famous

This evening, I attended a music performance by our Suzuki violin players that was held at another private school in the area. Our students were the second group of performers, and during the intermission as they prepared to play, we heard some people mumbling that the President of Peru was in attendance at the performance. One of my colleagues, who is Peruvian, leaned over to me to let me know that I was sitting in the same row as the President. I laughed, but turned to look, only to discover that President Humala was sitting six seats away. (It turns out, his daughters were also performing in the music festival.) One of the presenters welcomed the President and the audience clapped as he stood to wave. Following their performance, many of our children were able to have their picture taken with the President. Can you imagine having your picture taken with President Obama?! Of course, I couldn't pass up the opportunity either! 

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