Saturday, September 1, 2012

Riding the Bus

Our school has 20-25 school buses that bring kids to and from school each day. The entire parking lot is filled with them, and kids have about 10 minutes to find their buses and to take a seat on them. I think this board was a great idea. The numbers of the buses are placed on the board in the order of their place in the parking lot line.

Most of the buses are smaller than those we have at Ivy, but students are going to many different locations around Lima. On certain days, the kids ride different numbered buses, based on their after-school activities. There isn't a Park District, so the school community provides activities such as gymnastics, soccer, martial arts, dance, swimming lessons, gardening clubs, arts groups, etc. We have buses that are ready to pick up kids at 2:30, 3:30, 4:30, and 5:30 almost daily.

Here's the great part. There's a bus that can take me home too! Teachers have the opportunity to ride the staff bus at around 4:30 daily as well. Yesterday was my first bus ride home from school. It wasn't too bad, though I will probably end up sticking with the taxi rides to and from school on most days. That trip only costs about $6 each way or $8-$10 for a pre-arranged car ride.

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