Saturday, August 4, 2012

Bioferia Trip

Last night, a staff member invited a group of us to her house for dinner. She made two delicious curries that inspired me to want to cook. It was so interesting to hear about the places the staff members have been and worked- India, Japan, Thailand, Kuwait, Kiev, Moscow, Budapest, etc. Incredible! I wonder if I’ll continue overseas work after this position or if I’ll return to the US.

This morning, I met two friends bright and early to head to the local organic farmers market, called the Bioferia. It’s about a thirty-minute walk from my house, but I found the way pretty easily. It seems the Miraflores area of Lima isn’t going to be too difficult to navigate, hooray!

I bought fresh tomatoes, spinach, avocados (my favorite!), beets, feta cheese, green beans, and cucumbers, for a total of about 10 dollars. Not bad! There is a great vegan/vegetarian booth with pre-cooked foods there, so we also got some vegetarian lasagna and a stuffed relleno chili pepper- delicious! There were some nuns next door selling humitas, so I took the advice of Andi and Alex T. and bought some of those as well. I had one for dinner last night and it was so good! Thank you for the suggestion!

Humitas are similar to tamales. 

We spent the afternoon doing a bit of window shopping and had lunch. And while I was supposed to go out in the evening, I think I have developed a case of pink eye, so I will be taking a trip to the school doctor tomorrow afternoon. (Yes, we have a doctor on campus in the afternoons for staff, as well as full-time nursing staff for our students each day.)

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