Sunday, August 5, 2012

Things I Don't Think I Will Get Used To...

The Water
We've been advised not to drink water directly from the tap, except at school, where the water has been filtered. In fact, when I arrived, there was already a large box of water in the kitchen waiting for me. Water used for cooking, etc. should be boiled first and dishes need to dry completely before reusing. Fortunately, I've experienced this water issue during many of my travels in Africa, South America, and Europe, but I'll never get used to it.

The Toilets
While I've only seen western-style toilets so far, the plumbing here is not as good as in the United States. Toilet paper is not flushed, but is instead put into little trash bins next to the toilet. One might expect this to smell horrible, but fortunately, that is not the case. I still don't find it to be very hygienic though.

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