Thursday, August 16, 2012

Manicures, Pedicures, and Mixing Bowls

I've been looking for mixing bowls for two weeks, to no avail... What does that have to do with manicures and pedicures? Read below. 

One of my friends and I thought we would treat ourselves to manicures and pedicures one day last week after work. We found a place located fairly close to our apartments that was recommended to us by a few different people. The price was right, so in we went! My friend speaks Spanish, so I wasn't too worried about communicating what I wanted, but when they called us for our appointments, she was in the main room, and they walked me to a little private room for my pedicure.

My favorite part of a pedicure is the massage chair... This little room didn't have one. In fact, there wasn't even a tub of water for my feet. The woman left the room and came back with a large silver mixing bowl filled with lukewarm water for my feet. So that's where the mixing bowls are! I slipped my feet into the water with some hesitation, only to find saran wrap at the bottom of the bowl as well. Questions of hygiene came to mind, but the woman was good about wearing gloves, etc. throughout the process.

The woman actually did a pretty good job on my pedicure, and at about 8 dollars, even better! Another woman gave me a manicure, dipping my hand into yet another mixing bowl that was brought out to me. (Yes, that makes 2!) For a $5 manicure, I can't complain. I managed to communicate the manicure and pedicure information pretty well in my broken Spanish, but I think I confused the women working at the nail salon with my questions about where to buy mixing bowls. No worries though- I found them two days later at a grocery store!

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