Sunday, August 5, 2012

Lemon Juice and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups

One of the staff members from the US brought a bunch of food items with her to Peru- peanut butter, ranch dressing, 2 boxes of cereal, Tootsie Rolls, etc. I laughed as I told her that I rarely bring food items with me when I travel, though my friend Heidi has taught me the value of having a granola bar or two with me when traveling. On Friday, I was talking to a third grade boy from Virginia during lunchtime and I asked him what food he misses the most from the US. He responded, "The candy." When I told him I would miss Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, he told me that the kiosks on campus sell them, but they are 4 soles each (approximately $1.75 per pack of 2) "because they are imported." Ugh, that's pretty expensive for something that costs about fifty cents in the states. All products from the US seem to be double in price.

Earlier today I found a recipe for a lemon and garlic pasta that looked easy to make, so I decided to head to the local Wong grocery store for some of the sauce ingredients. Basil- check. Parmesan cheese- check. Lemons.... nope. Lemon juice? I looked around for 2 hours for it, beginning to get a bit irritated. How could they not sell lemons? How could they not have lemon juice, at least? As I began to realize that I have probably purchased 2 lemons in my entire life (and probably didn't even need both of them), I found the humor in my situation, and began to think about alternatives... limes? lemonade mix packet? Resigning myself to a dinner of pasta with butter and cheese (kid-style), I slowly began looking at the spices in one last aisle, and couldn't believe my eyes when I finally found one sticky bottle of lemon juice on the shelf. I swept it right up, and will use it sparingly! 

I walked home with a smile on my face, laughing a bit about my shopping trip success. It was too late to have pasta for dinner, but I did happen to notice a pack of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups in the check-out lane. And while I certainly won't be purchasing them in bulk any time soon, I know there will be a time when I buy a pack and devour them! I'm sure I'll eventually miss a lot of items that I had easy access to in the US. I may even be bringing a few of them home with me in my suitcases when I head home for the winter holidays!

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