Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Peruvian Birthdays

I'm pretty sure it's wishing me a happy birthday...
Birthdays in Peru are a big deal. And for the first time in my entire life, school was in session on my birthday!

On Sunday, the principal had a gathering of my colleagues and new friends at her home, which was really nice and much-appreciated. I had a cake, some presents, tasty foods to eat, and a lot of laughs that evening.

Monday was my birthday. A sign on the front door of the office let everyone know it was my special day, and I had several classrooms of kids sing to me, in English and in Spanish. And tons of hugs, kisses, and small gifts were given to me throughout the day- I even got a large avocado (yum!). I heard from friends and family in the United States, and was so happy to receive so much love and warm wishes from my new friends, students, and colleagues here in Peru. I certainly am a lucky woman!

Peruvian chocolates I received as a gift that are really tasty!

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