Monday, August 20, 2012

United States Commissary

Our school has a special relationship with the U.S. Embassy, which allows the US teachers to acquire membership to the commissary, a small grocery store within the Embassy buildings. I went today with a friend and left with several shopping bags of delicious tastes from home! From peanut butter to ranch dressing to Tabasco sauce and Heinz ketchup (I'm a condiments lover, what can I say?!), I was able to find some of the US foods I have come to know and love, all at US prices!

I don't know how often I'll go, as there is a Wong grocery store within a very short walking distance from my home, but it's nice to know the Commissary is there. I will share that I passed on the Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, which were actually less than a dollar, as they were a bit melted... maybe next time!

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