Friday, August 10, 2012

Earthquakes and First Aid

The municipality where the school is located required that we receive first aid training as a staff. What I thought was going to be a first aid and CPR training yesterday, turned out to be a presentation about earthquakes in Peru and how to prepare for them. We watched some pretty horrible videos, and then reviewed what we need to put together in survival backpacks to begin preparations for emergency situations. This wasn't necessarily new information for me, though I found the suggested contents of the emergency backpack to be interesting. 

                                  Look at the pictures carefully. 



Chocolates & caramels? Slippers? Hmmm....

I asked a Peruvian teacher about this and she shared that Peruvians believe chocolate warms you when you are cold, as well as providing energy to you. I could think of a few alternatives! As for the slippers, she shared that if you were stuck in your home for a few days, they would want you to be comfortable, which is why they are suggesting slippers. I can't imagine that slippers would be the best foot attire if you have just survived an earthquake and possibly have rubble everywhere! 

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