Saturday, August 25, 2012

DesTiNaTiOn iMagINaTiON

Our trainer from Brazil gave us each a DI pin!
Today, I attended a training to become a Destination ImagiNation team manager. I joined 14 other staff members from the school for training, where we worked on Instant Challenges and Team Challenges- what a treat! We spent the day brainstorming, compromising, thinking creatively, and performing for one another, while trying to keep our students' perspectives. I have always dreamed of having a space in the school for students to imagine, design, and create, but it's hard to find space for new programs.  From Daniel Pink's A Whole New Mind to Sir Ken Robinson's Out of Our Minds to Jonah Leher's Imagine, I continue to read and explore how we can bring this exploration of creativity and design thinking into our classrooms on a daily basis. Destination ImagiNation is designed as an after-school program for grades 3-12, but one day, I think we'll see similar activities occurring during the school day in all of our schools. I can't wait!

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